How to Heal the Soil
Tip 1
It all begins with the soil. The soil controls the health of not just plants but of all living things on the planet.
We do not realize the importance of healthy soil. The way it works is simple: Healthy soil produces the food needed by plants for them to be healthy also. We need to eat food that was grown in healthy soil. We want animals to eat healthy plants. Pests are geared to attack unhealthy plants. The wolf always goes after the sick sheep.
A healthy world promotes a healthy life.
Here is the first tip on how to heal your own soil.
On your property or garden, simply decide that you want to grow everything organically. Stop using chemical fertilizers etc on your soil and plants. That will go a long way to heal your own soil. You will learn how to properly fertilize your plants etc and with what. I will go over that in upcoming tips. Right here.
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